Welcome to the Legislative Page

For help on filling out witness slips 



Legislative Advocacy is a pillar in the VFW. It is what we need to do to have our voices heard in the halls of capital buildings in the state and nation.

The job came without a job description and I have proposed the following:

Legislative Committee shall accept resolutions requiring legislative action passed at the Department Convention or through the Council of Administration, cause appropriate bills to be drawn in proper form, and secure sponsors for such bills in the Illinois House and/or Senate.

Encourage members who wish to provide testimony to submit electronic written testimony and/or electronic witness slips in advance of the hearing. Submit a witness slip through the General Assembly Dashboard: https://my.ilga.gov.

Monthly reports will be made to the Department Commander and staff regarding ongoing legislative actions.

Assistance will be given on Federal Legislation when requested by the National Legislative Director, or such other authorized person from the National level.

To further the reach of the Legislative committee, I am asking each District to appoint a Legislative Liaison and provide me their name and contact phone and email. These liaison positions would:

- Be a part of the Illinois VFW Legislative Committee for state related legislative issues.

- Interface with a local office of your elected Illinois Representative and Senator in the congressional district your VFW District covers, to share issues related to veterans.

- Advocate for the National Legislative Agenda

- Sign up for the VFW Action Corps and respond to and share VFW Action Alerts , encourage members in your district to sign up, and disseminate calls to action to the posts and members in your district. ( https://www.vfw.org/advocacy/national-legislative-service)

Dashboard Reporting:
The Instructions for 23-24 Program Reporting Dashboard outlines several activities a post may participate in to receive a green block on the Dashboard. I encourage all posts and members to not stop participating in Legislative Advocay once they get their "green." The activities listed are or should be continous. Here are items that should be considered on a continuing basis:

- Submitting a State Witness Slip
- Meeting with a State Representative or Senator
- Participating in the National Action Alerts program
- Meeting with a National Representative or Senator
- Attend a VFW Legislative Conference
- Meeting with local elected officials
- Participate in a County Veterans Assistance Commission



Submitting a State Witness Slip
When legislation comes up in Committee hearings, an announcement is made. Citizens may submit a witness slip to let the committee members know how they feel about a specific piece of legislation prior to the committee meeting. During the meeting, it is announced the results of the submitted witness slips, number in favor, opposed, etc.

Meeting with a State Representative or Senator
A face to face meeting with your Illinois state representative or senator has a lot of impact. You can respectfully make them aware of legislation or issues that affect you or veteran to ask for their support in the legislative process.

Participating in the National Action Alerts program
The National Action Alerts program works with Voter's Voice. Once signed up, you will receive notification of pending legislation and have an opportunity to contact your elected officials in Washington DC through a pre-scripted letter asking for their support for legislation that affects veterans. Visit https://votervoice.net/VFW/register to register for Action Alert notifications.



Meeting with a National Representative or Senator
As with a face to face meeting with your Illinois state representative or senator, if you can meet with your federal representative or senator, you will also have a lot of impact. You can respectfully make them aware of legislation or issues that affect you or veteran to ask for their support in the legislative process.

Attend a VFW Legislative Conference
Each year the VFW holds a Legislative Conference in Washington DC. If you are able to make the trip, it is well worth your time to hear about legislation affecting veterans and have the opportunity to walk the halls and meet elected representatives.

Meeting with local elected officials
A meeting with your local elected officials; county, city, village, or township, to discuss issues or events for or about veterans is beneficial to keep them aware of the impact veterans have in their area of jurisdiction.

Participate in a County Veterans Assistance Commission
The Illinois Military Veterans Assistance Act provides for Illinois counties to create a Veterans Assistance Commission (VAC). Each charted Veterans Service Organization in that county should elect a Delegate and Alternate to the VAC and attend the called meetings of the VAC.

State Veterans Legislative Lobby Day in Springfield is scheduled for March 19, 2025. This may change, but it is scheduled for now.

Larry Miller
Department Legislative Chairman