Roesch, Kriebel to represent national organization during VFW, Auxiliary annual state conventions

- 5/11/2022

Past Commander-in-Chief Hal Roesch and Past National Auxiliary President Sandi Kriebel will represent the national organizations during the Illinois Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary state conventions June 9-12 in Springfield.

Roesch, from Hampton, Virginia, was installed as the 112th Commander-in-Chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars on July 24, 2020, in Kansas City, Missouri.
Kriebel, from Ellicott City, Maryland, continues to serve the VFW Auxiliary as the VAVS National Representative.
Hal is a 20-year U.S. Air Force retiree serving from 1982 to 2002. He earned his VFW eligibility during his combat service in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm and overseas service as part of Southern Watch. 
Roesch is a recipient of three Meritorious Service Medals, two Air Force Commendation Medals, two Air Force Achievement Medals, the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with valor, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, the Southwest Asia Service Medal with three campaign stars, and numerous other awards and decorations.
He joined the VFW in 1991 at VFW Post 3034 in Sumter, South Carolina, and became a Post Commander at VFW Post 4542 in Spring Lake, North Carolina. He now maintains his Gold Legacy Life membership at VFW Post 3219 in Phoebus, Virginia.
Hal has served in elected and appointed positions at the Post, District and Department levels, culminating with his election as VFW Department of Virginia Commander from 2008-2009. On the national level, he has served on the Council of Administration from 2010-2012 and as the Inspector General from 2016-2017.
He is currently a financial advisor with First Command Financial Planning. He received his Associate of Arts in avionics system technology from the Community College of the Air Force.
Hal is a Life member of Disabled American Veterans, AMVETS, American Legion, Military Order of the Cootie, and the VFW National Home for Children.
He has one daughter and son-in-law; Sara and Jason Tricker, and two grandsons, Max and Owen. Hal, and his bride, Beth reside in Hampton, Virginia.
Sandi is a life member of Yingling-Ridgely Auxiliary 7472 in Ellicott City, she joined on the eligibility of her father, a World War II and Korean War U.S. Army veteran.
She has served the organization in several capacities, including as Auxiliary and District President, and as Department President, for which she earned Outstanding President of the Year in her membership group in 1996-1997.
On the National level, she served as National President in 2018-2019, and as National District Council Member, Eastern Conference Chairman for the Americanism and Membership programs, and National Director for the Cancer Aid & Research, Hospital and "Buddy”® Poppy programs. She has also been National Patriotic Instructor.
Sandi is a Life Member of the VFW National Home for Children and a member of the Military Order of the Cooties Auxiliary (MOCA).
In her spare time, Sandi enjoys collecting thimbles and cameo broaches, watching old movies and spending time with her family: husband Paul, three grown children (including a son who is a 100-percent disabled veteran who served in Desert Storm), seven grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

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