In an effort to create and maintain a culture of recognition, motivate high performance and
reinforce desired behaviors. A new award has been instituted by the Commander and the
leadership team to recognize outstanding Comrades who perpetuate the purposes set forth in our Congressional Charter.
Post and District leaders are encouraged to submit to headquarters a narrative write up on a comrade from their area that is leading from the front and supporting one or more of the purposes in Sec. 230102 of our Congressional Charter.  Nominations are due by the 25th of each month.  Nominations should be submitted on the Veteran of the Month Nomination Form.
This year, National VFW has created a Veteran of the Year Award and each State is required to submit a nomination.  The Illinois VFW will nominate our Veteran of the Year to National for the National award.  The criteria that National is using for their Veteran of the Year Award is as follows

The program is currently called "VFW Member of the Year Award”.  The criteria for the VFW Member of the Year Award is as follows:

Criteria: This award recognizes exceptional performance as a member of The VFW. Examples of service that would be considered in judging the nominee include the following:

Nominee presents themselves in a professional and helpful manner within the Organization and within the Community.

Nominee shows an active interest in their Department by attending meetings and showing a willingness to consider leadership roles.

Nominee participates in activities and events within the Department to help raise awareness of the Organization in the Community.

Nominee has shown a willingness to work together with other VFW, Auxiliary, and Riders Members in a spirit of cooperation to accomplish the same goals.

Nominee volunteers for and participates in activities and events that address the needs of target groups and individuals in the Community.

Nominee has demonstrated actions which contribute to improving the quality of life for those we are intended to serve, whether they are children or adults, and whether they are homeless, hospitalized, handicapped, in need of a job or education.

Nominee encourages members of the Community to support VFW programs and continually encourages others to become members.

Nominee must have been submitted for #StillServing campaign recognition at

The IL VFW has adopted the criteria from National VFW as the criteria that we will use to select our Veteran of the Month, Veteran of the Quarter, and ultimately our Veteran of the Year.  Any veteran that is selected for Veteran of the Month or Veteran of the Quarter is encouraged to submit information for the #StillServing campaign recognition in order to ensure they are qualified for further advancement in the program.

Veteran of the Quarter will be chosen from the 3 monthly awardees for that quarter and the Veteran of the Year will be chosen from the Quarterly awardees. A limited number of "spot awards” will also be available.
June 2023 Veteran of the Month - Greg Kelm (Post 1461)
July 2023 Veteran of the Month - Wayne Kern (Post 1337)
August 2023 Veteran of the Month - Bernadette (Berni) Bland (Post 1461)
Veteran of the Quarter - Bernadette (Berni) Bland (Post 1461)

September 2023 Veteran of the Month - Nick Nichols (Post 5346)
October 2023 Veteran of the Month - Andy Frisby (Post 5691)
November 2023 Veteran of the Month - Doran Beckwith (Post 3480)
Veteran of the Quarter - 
December 2023 Veteran of the Month -